Produse pentru faerch italian srl (12)

paste - spaghetti - coate - couscous

paste - spaghetti - coate - couscous

pâtes alimentaires a base de blé dur , top qualité , différentes formats possible 250 gr -400 gr -500 gr - 1 kg Origine Turque et Tunisie.
SUSPERIN AC/S - Agricultură

SUSPERIN AC/S - Agricultură

SUSPERIN AC/S is a blend of magnesium sulphate and surfactants. Generally, fertilizers form agglomerates when they contain moisture and become sticky. Agglomerated fertilizer does not flow evenly which causes the problem in distribution and usage. Adding SUSPERIN AC/S to fertilizers helps to prevent caking thanks to its moisture absorption capacity. Enhance the free flow properties of powder fertilizers Provides robust, long-lasting caking control Easy to apply to powder fertilizer in a typical operation Enhance the treated fertilizer’s marketability When considering the use of any Latro’s products in a particular application, you should review our latest Safety Data Sheet and ensure that the use you intend can be accomplished safely. For Safety Data Sheets and other product safety information, contact the Latro’s Sales Office nearest to you. Appearance:White Powder Free Moisture:0,5% max pH ( in 10% Solution):3-5 Water Soluble (MgO):30,7% min-32,5% max Magnesium (Mg):18,5 % min-19,6 max
Cabină Telefonică Reglabilă pe Înălțime M1

Cabină Telefonică Reglabilă pe Înălțime M1

Elektrisch höhenverstellbar Das elektrische Höhenverstellsystem ermöglicht Ihnen eine schnellere Installation des Pods. Verpackungsreduzierung Für kostengünstigen Transport und bequemen Zugang zum Aufzug. Schallschutz Schalldämmung 25 dB ± 5 dB. Hält Außenlärm fern und minimiert interne Geräusche. Farbe nach Wunsch Die Farbe des Innen- und Außenfilzes des Pods kann nach Wunsch angepasst werden. Belüftungssystem Das verstellbare Belüftungssystem sorgt für frische Luft und erfüllt Ihre Vorlieben. *30 Tage kostenlos testen*
Balsam profesional pentru păr + Șampon profesional pentru păr - Promoții

Balsam profesional pentru păr + Șampon profesional pentru păr - Promoții

Facilitates combing and subsequent shaping of the hairstyle Contributes to the restoration of the damaged hair structure Regenerates, strengthens and restores hair density Reduces brittleness and strengthens split ends Leaves hair soft, shiny, hydrated and healthy looking Ideal for everyday use and all hair types Protects against the effects of UV rays and external aggressors No parabens / no mineral oils / no dyes Recyclable packaging Description : Introducing an exquisite hair conditioner designed to care for and nourish your locks. Indulge your senses with an elegant experience provided by our artfully blended formula combining the finest natural ingredients with modern technology. Going beyond the limits of the usual, the conditioner restores the damaged structure of the hair. With each application, it actively regenerates, strengthens and restores the density of your hair, giving it backs Code:19129
CondiPresto - Sosuri Gata

CondiPresto - Sosuri Gata

Sughi Pronti a base di pesce
Stop Lamba - Stop Lamba

Stop Lamba - Stop Lamba

Stop Lamba, Rear Lamp, Stop Lamp
Erasco - Mese gata de servit

Erasco - Mese gata de servit

Erasco is one of the top selling food brands in the German food retail market. Erasco combines classic as well as modern stew varieties, ready-to-serve meals and soups under the same quality brand.
Flux de sudură moale "Cu-Roclean", conserve de 125 g

Flux de sudură moale "Cu-Roclean", conserve de 125 g

Weichlötflussmittel zum Weichlöten von Kupferrohren, gem. DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 7 - Weichlötflußmittel Cu-Roclean, DIN EN ISO 9454-1, 2.1.2.C F-SW 25 gem. DVGW-Arbeitsblatt GW 7, 0,125 kg Flaschen, Kartons à 25 Flaschen
FOLIAGE ITALIA - Filler Dermo-Aesthetic

FOLIAGE ITALIA - Filler Dermo-Aesthetic

Foliage is a range of injectable products based on hyaluronic acid, which is divided into 3 lines, based on the intended use and the degree of crosslinking of the hyaluronic acid. HYDRATION is the line that includes products composed of injectable, sterile and absorbable gel, based on free hyaluronic acid. LIPS and FACE constitute the subdivision of the intradermal products based on cross-linked hyaluronic acid. The latest innovation introduced in the preparation of raw materials is the so-called "conservative crosslinking". This process allows to obtain an extremely homogeneous product, which integrates perfectly with the skin tissues.
Panino Pinsato - Gustul

Panino Pinsato - Gustul

Panino pinsato a mano così da essere ancora più soffice e digeribile. Da cuocere sia in piastra che in forno preriscaldato a 240° fino a che non risulta ben dorato. Da farcire a piacimento, ogni abbinamento lo renderà ancora più gustoso e saporito.
Filtru Raasch AirCompact / - Cartușe pentru Filtru de Praful Fin / V-For

Filtru Raasch AirCompact / - Cartușe pentru Filtru de Praful Fin / V-For

Zur Abscheidung von Partikeln unterschiedlichster Art. Zur Abscheidung von Partikeln unterschiedlichster Art in sensiblen Arbeitsbereichen u.a. der Autombilindustrie oder Pharmacie werden Raasch AirCompact Feinststaubfilter in zunehmendem Maße eingesetzt. Micro-Glasfaservlies bzw. Synthetik-Medium (je nach Anwendung) wird zu einem kompakten Element gefaltet, wobei Faltenzahl und -höhe auf die Anwendungsanforderungen zugeschnitten sind. Als Abstandshalter werden Hotmelt-Fäden eingesetzt, die eine optimale Ausnutzung der Filteroberfläche und Paket-Tiefe gewährleisten. Alle Raasch AirCompact Luftfilterelemente zeichnen sich aus durch optimale Abscheidewerte dank großer Filteroberfläche, durch Filtration hoher Volumenströme bei kurzer Einbautiefe und durch niedrige Betriebskosten aufgrund langer Standzeiten und niedriger Druckdifferenzen.